Salescoach - With 25 years in the real estate industry, provides a range of specialist services to help you make more sales.
Oct 2000
Inspirations from the Olympics
just awe inspiring to watch these feats of speed, skill,
endurance and courage as television brings the Olympics
into our homes.
And its easy to celebrate with the winners, seeing
the sheer emotion and delight, in the exuberance of their
win. All that effort and commitment was really worth it.
Its easy too to feel the sadness of defeat of all
those who failed to win the gold.
But they were there. They were in the game. They had made
the sacrifices of time, money and sheer effort to be at
the Olympics.
Isnt it remarkable that after all that hard work and
effort, even though they havent won, many of them
will be back?
Theyll be back with new skills, new strategies and
new commitment.
Their vision of being the Olympic Champion is enough to
get them to change their strategy and to learn new skills
and techniques.
It is so easy for the non-participants to be critical. To
knock those whose efforts didnt bring them victory.
But what about all the Personal Bests? Yes even those people
are coming back next time to do even better.
So how are you going this year?
Is it a Personal Best year for you?
We all know that the market is a different place to a couple
of years ago. So why are so many people still trying to
do it how they did it then? Using the same material and
Over the last year or so Ive worked with many people
who have wanted to grow their business in this market. One
client last week made 6 presentations in 2 days for 3 Auctions
and 2 Exclusives. Awesome results in a very competitive
market place.
Looking to help these people compete at new levels we have
developed some new material, especially to help at Listing
Presentation time to show vendors how the market place has
As a consequence we have a pretty good idea of whats
working in the market today.
1. The need to Prospect has intensified so much that simple
tracking and accountability programmes are a must.
2. The need to get a profile advantage and the growing expanse
of marketing costs have made the ability to sell
Vendor Marketing Programmes a necessity.
3. The need to motivate buyers into action has made Auction
a necessary and growing part of your armoury.
4. The changed pricing direction of the market has meant
new strategies for Listing Presentations and Price and Marketing
reviews during the agency term.
5. When the market slows we have to get busier. If you used
to talk to 10 people a day, then today youve got to
talk to 20, and so on. Pace and Urgency are 2 key words
in todays market.
6. Managing Your Sales Team with the training and coaching
skills you need.
How to counsel and coach, train and motivate a highly productive
Between now and Christmas I have a few days spare to run
sessions in your office, or group of offices, on any of
the above areas.
Its been hard this year for many in real estate so
we have decided to make a special offer between now and
Christmas of $1850 (GST INC) per day for any of the above
courses. The number of people attending doesnt matter
so Im happy for you to get together with others in
your group.
The Personal Coaching remains very popular and is still
available from $295 per month.
If you have any special requirements just e-mail me or give
me a call.
Tip for the week:
Go back to all those offers you thought were dead
and see whats happened to both the buyers and the
sellers. Theres a deal there somewhere.
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