©Copyright 2012 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi  [name]  and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 2nd April 2012 


Quote for the week

" Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

William Shakespeare.

Today I am sitting beside the lagoon at Muri Beach in Rarotonga so my message is brief and a reflection of today.

This is a beautiful, calm and welcoming place.

Yes just beautiful!

Everyone is so calm and pleasant.

No agro visible, audible anywhere.

So what's the secret?

There are smiles all around and they are not the result of this feeling.

They are an essential ingredient of the creation of such a great feeling.

Next time you see or hear negative thoughts, words or behaviour, simply replace them with "Smiles all around" and embrace the new feeling and let the negative one go. 

Have a TRULY AWESOME WEEK and note that after last week's invitation to my Special Coaching Opportunity Limited to 20 realtors, there are ONLY 2 places left. So if you were "thinking about it" DO IT and DO IT NOW!

 My 3 Day Real Estate Skills Course in Auckland April 30 - May 1 & 2 now has ONLY 5 places remaining. 

There is strong interest in this course and it is filling fast with 9 more confirmed over the last week. So, if you are interested let me know asap. This will provide all your non-verifiable CE in one session. At $695 incl gst, lunch on all three days this is great value. This is my ONLY presentation of this course in 2012. Venue: Jet Park Inn, near Auckland Airport.   

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Salescoach and Ian Keightley provide this information FREE. I have no control over how you interpret, change, adapt or use any of these ideas. As a Licensee under REAA or in any other trade, you are solely responsible for the use of any of the ideas and strategies we share with you.

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018