©Copyright 2010 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 20th December 2010  

Thank YOU! Merry Christmas & may 2011 be YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!

As we approach our favourite time of the year we just want to say a great big THANK YOU to all our many clients who have supported us and encouraged us through 2010. You are simply AWESOME and we are often humbled by your support and the TRUST you have in what we do.


We thank you for the great friendships, the mutual respect and honesty demonstrated by those who know our journey and future directions. Both Jacqui and I are moved by your huge level of support, encouragement, referrals and belief in our service and product.  

We would also like to wish you ALL a very Merry & Happy Christmas and hope you have wonderful times with your loved ones, that you enjoy our summer, travel safely and have time to laugh, sing, dance, play and ENJOY!

We hope you are coming on a journey with us in 2011. Let's all work to make it the  BEST YEAR EVER for you and us. We are already working on great ideas (like the one below) which are innovative, cost effective and THAT WORK!

See you in January - refreshed, enthusiastic, motivated and ready to rock'n'roll  . Be safe! 

Quote for the week 

"Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish, feeling will be the victor."   

Neville Goddard (1905 - 1972)

PS: Thank you too for the wonderful feedback we have received on our brand new programme: Ten Minutes Real Estate Success. This is a great resource to dip into over the holiday break. This programme is still available for a few more days at a special introductory amount.

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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