Celebrate your PURPOSE

©Copyright 2010 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 6th September 2010  

Celebrate  your PURPOSE. 

Sunday was Fathers Day and as we we ventured out to enjoy our day we saw many families and groups out enjoying a meal, a coffee, a wine, a walk or just time together. It is always a sense of reality to get a handle on what is REALLY IMPORTANT and to see that our work has a real purpose. To create a lifestyle we can all enjoy and share, and that time NOT AT WORK is one of our PURPOSES.

It is a timely reminder that when at work we should be "at work' and when with family and friends we should "be with' them. It's called being present!

This month we start the "TURKEY RUN" and we should all have a real purpose about making sure the next real celebration (Christmas) is a great time. Whilst recent months have been hard for many, and focus and energy have fluctuated, now is the time to set a new purpose and focus for the next 90 days. Let your desire to make time with family and friends an AWESOME time, put a smile on your face whilst at work, put renewed energy in your step and a determination and focus in your heart. Celebrate your goals and "go get em!"

        Quote for the Week

    "Great minds have purposes, others have wishes?"

Washington Irving 


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Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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