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Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 29th March 2010
Hundreds have already registered for my Moving on Up presentations in late April. To secure $60 early bird rate, saving $19 each, book by midnight this Wednesday 31st March.
The challenge of BALANCE!
In recent weeks we have watched the winter olympics with skaters, snow-boarders and skiers all showing great balance. Such skill, courage and determination from able-bodied people competing at the highest level Then there was the Winter Para-Olympics with competitors with varying handicaps competing in events requiring balance. Their skill, determination and courage was also plainly evident.Then last night, I saw a young man climb a mountain, where he had nearly died, with one artificial limb. I have climbed the same mountain and I still consider myself able-bodied. It wasn't easy, just a challenge, but I meet so many able-bodied people who have never set foot on a challenge like that. The question of balance is a challenge for many. However I don't mean a physical balance like so many of these determined people. I mean a life balance. How is your "life-balance?"
We often hear trainers and managers talk about having balance in life and not working too hard, not working all the time. For some this is all too often the wrong balance. You can't take a balanced view, a life balance until the work commitment delivers the funding to pay for the "life balance" because as we all know, this "balance" needs funding.
Taking a 'balanced" week? The work tasks to deliver the RIGHT to "balance" are required first. Be it a day, a week, a month, 90 days or more ,assess your commitment required and diary the balance for when the work is done. Beware the workaholics and non-workers who preach balance, but rarely experience it for themselves.
Check and see where you can add balance this week. It may be a business solution that is what's required.
Quote for the Week
Go to www.salescoach.co.nz or call me for more information on 021 968 108 or ask for samples by e-mailing me: ian@salescoach.co.nz
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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