©Copyright 2010 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.
Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 22nd March 2010
Thank you to all those who have already registered for my Moving on Up presentations in late April. You have all secured the $60 early bird rate saving $19 each. Last day for early bird rate is March 31st.
Adjust when Necessary!
I have been talking with a large number of realtors over the last couple of weeks and it is a very common story - properties they appraised in late 2009, when the market was moving back up again, are languishing on the market. Some open homes have no prospects attending and offers are harder to secure. The buyers are playing a waiting game? Last year sellers were hard to find and we werre able to appraise values more positively. To do that today in most markets would be a big mistake. Supply is up again and demand is down. More marketing, better presentation and REAL pricing and pricing feedback are the key.
One common factor - 80% of those realtors have not adjusted those listings and are continuing to appraise new listings in the same light. Why? It's time to adjust if you haven't already. The lessons of late 2007 and early 2008 when the market fall back was denied, are quickly forgotten by the easy rises of late 2009. Now it's time to recall those days and adjust NOW if you haven't already.
You can't deny the statistics - "The numbers don't lie".
The positive message is clear. There are sales to be made if you adjust where necessary.
Quote for the Week
Go to www.salescoach.co.nz or call me for more information on 021 968 108 or ask for samples by e-mailing me: ian@salescoach.co.nz
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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