It really is SKILL & COMPETENCE time!

©Copyright 2009 Ian Keightley. All rights reserved. Feel free to forward and distribute but copyright is retained.

Hi [name] and welcome to my Weekly Insight for Monday 7th December, 2009.

It really is SKILL & COMPETENCE time!

So the new Real Estate Agents Act has come into force and over recent weeks everyone has been focusing on the procedures, advertising changes and use of new forms and guides.

Now it is time to take stock and look at the real impact of the Act.

Quite clearly now every client and customer is entitled to expect to receive competent service in all aspects of their transaction. "All aspects of their transaction!"

Now we have got a handle on the procedures and paperwork, it is a great time to look at SKILL levels and service commitments. The intended effect of the Act is to provide a higher standard of service, ethics and performance. Procedures and forms can't do that alone. 

Make sure you have great competence in all aspects from your prospecting and appraising, to your presentations, marketing, open homes, feedback, contacts and follow-up service. This is a wonderful new environment where the truly competent will shine even more.

     Quote for the Week. 

"This is not the beginning of the end,

this is only the end of the beginning"

  Sir Winston Churchill

  Make a resolution this week  to tackle 1 upskill issue this week, then;


I will be presenting 1, yes 1 ONLY, 3 day course on 2010 and registrations are already coming in.

Many have been asking if I am providing my 3 day course in 2010. The answer is YES but I am presenting 1 ONLY.

Dates: February 8. 9 and 10 in Auckland ONLY. Venue tbc. This is an awesome 3 days based on the basics, prospecting, listing, marketing and selling. It is ideal for both experienced and new sales people as being superb at the basics is the key. Updated for the new legislation it comes complete with a 500+ page manual. This is without challenge the BEST 3 day course in real estate skills on offer.

Fee: $795 for bookings paid in full before Jan 15th and $895 thereafter.( Including gst, manual and catering for the 3 days (Excludes dinner and accomodation) . Places are restricted and early registration is recommended.  Book now with 25% deposit and balance due by Jan 15th.

E-mail me today to register your interest and we will send you a booking form. 

Prospecting is our biggest challenge. Don't be short of ideas, don't let it become irregular,make sure you have something happening all the time. Have marketing card creatives supplied, have your Newsletter written EVERY month. For only $25 a month, or secure an office package, and you receive simple regular marketing card creatives, a monthly newsletter for your database and farm and then receive a minimum of 30 minutes audio files (mp3) to keep you on track and motivated.

Visit and view a short video to see some simple solutions to getting you in the market and keeping you focused and consistent.

Call me for more information on 021 968 108 or ask for samples by

e-mailing me:

Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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