Hi [name] and Welcome to Your Weekly Sales Tip from Ian Keightley @ Salescoach for [date]
I have just completed a meeting with a woman who called last week very upset and wishing to meet with me. The only day she could make it was today so I agreed to meet on a Sunday. She is very happy for me to share her story with you.
During the course of our conversation it became very clear to me that it was not advice she sought but a sympathetic ear as her family, friends and colleagues had tired of her constant complaints about the difficult market, the lack of sales, etc. She was upset that her manager and Brand were not supplying any training. I sat with her in my garden on this beautiful sunny day and listened without interruption until she had finished.
She was so full of self pity and condemnation I decided to share something with her which I hoped might make her realise how precious life is and how we should all be grateful for what/who we have in our lives. I had watched the Saturday evening news and it is without embarrassment that I admit the segment regarding the death of Austin Hemmings had an effect on me. The strength and courage showed by his family was an amazing thing to see. There was no blame evident just an acceptance that Austin's actions were the measure of the man and this is the legacy he leaves behind for those who loved him. He did what he felt was the right thing to do and it cost him his life.
After I had shared that with her I asked her what she was doing to assist with the growth of her business and I was astounded when she answered that she had continued to do what she had always done, thinking that any day the market would improve and business would return to what it had once been. On further discussion she agreed that she indeed needed to be proactive and take the necessary steps to ensure she was well equipped to handle this market. Her excuse was that she could not afford it. I made it very clear to her that if she wanted to make this industry her career to fund her life she could not afford to avoid taking action. She has taken the first step and registered for our repeat - 2 hours for $20 - to be held in Auckland next week.
It left me feeling exhilarated to see her leave with a wide smile on her face, a spring in her step and with a more open view of what is truly important.
We are very proud of our non-brand partisan service and are committed to assisting those who wish to utilise our expertise. With that in mind and being aware that these are financially challenging times for Salespeople, Managers and Business Owners we are making the following offers.
Details can be found on our website where you can also book. www.salescoach.co.nz
" Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses"
I wish you a truly awesome week [name] and I hope you make a smile for yourself and those around you every day this week
Our new Audio CD - Auction Power has been launched and is already proving very popular. It's a great addition to the other 2 CD sets - Listing Power & Strategies & Dialogues for a Tougher Market. Get yours today.
This is a market where you have to go beyond just attitude and positive thinking. Not only do you need to believe it's all possible, you need to have the highest level of skill you can achieve.
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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