Hi [name] and welcome to your Weekly Sales Tip from Salescoach for [date]
When a deadline looms achieving your goal creates Pace and Focus
Many people set goals and in the hustle and bustle of their days and weeks the goal sometimes gets forgotten or overlooked. When the necessary programme of activity is implemented the goal is achieved without having to watch the scoreboard all the time.
At this time of the year a deadline always looms for those determined to achieve their financial or recognition goals. Yes March 31st is about 9 weeks away and what a great short-term focus period to really perform at maximum effectiveness. Set some new targets for this period - aim to set a record for sales, listings, marketing, price adjustments, signs and best of all earnings. Let's get your ranking up in your office, your region, your brand.
You can make your own activity - don't blame the market. Get positive - sales are made every day - people buy and sell houses every day. Be part of it.
Quote for the Week
"Positive and negative emotions cannot accupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure the positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind."
Napoleon Hill
Salescoach has a great range of training courses in many venues throughout New Zealand in coming weeks, from our well attended 3 day Real Estate Academy to half day sessions on Advertising Writing and 2 day Manager courses. Click here to download a full course list and booking form or view them on http://www.salescoach.co.nz
If you are aware of the Law of Attraction, a great book written by Michael Losier, then great news - the author is speaking in Auckland March 12th, 7-10pm @ Beaumont Centre, Beaumont St. We secured access to tickets for our database of clients. Allocated seats are $79 and Standard seats $59. To see more detals and book your tickets click on;
http://www.thesecret.co.nz/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MLLOASTANDARD(IK) – Standard Tickets
http://www.thesecret.co.nz/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MLLOAPREMIUM(IK) – Premium TicketsThis is simply awesome material if you want to make huge new leaps in your success.have fun, make money and friends
Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018
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