Focus both eyes on the journey

Hi [name] and welcome to your Weekly Sales Tip for [date]

Welcome back to your Sales Adventure in 2008

We trust you have had an awesome break and are ready to achieve your goals in 2008

By now you may have your Business and Sales Plan in place for an exciting journey.

So it's time to focus on what is required to meet your goals. When you have your goals clear it's a case of focusing on the journey and the tasks required to make it all happen. Looking at the target all the time is like playing tennis with one eye on the scoreboard. Watching the score all the time, watching your results as they happen, takes your focus off the journey. The key is to focus on every step, every task, every conversation, every call and every skill. Don't keep looking at the destination. Watch the road in front of you with both eyes.

The power of focus on each task each day is the fastest journey. With one eye off the road you will drive more slowly - guaranteed. So let's concentrate on the job at hand.

Other things to avoid include:

The market, incompetent and inactive colleagues, newspapers, television, other's results.

If you have ever resisted writing down your goals, doing a business plan, planning your week and days, and yet you want to improve your results, NOW is the time to take action - plan your week or day with precision. Fill them with effective and dollar productive tasks and actions. 

To make your journey easier we have a wide range of training programmes over the next 2-3 months, from our well known and popular 3 day programme to effective advertisng writing. Yes from 3 days to half day sessions - see the list at  and click on the register for courses button to see the many choices.

Quote for the Week

"With one eye fixed on the destination, there is only one left to guide you on the journey" 

The Monk who sold his Ferrari - Robyn S. Sharma

Have an aweseome week

Have fun, make money and friends


Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018

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