Change something

Salescoach - Weekly Sales Tip

Hi %FIELD:1% and welcome to your first 2007 Weekly Sales Tip.


Change something


It’s a new year and no doubt you have aspirations to do better. To achieve new levels of sales performance that will help you achieve these new goals or continue on the journey you had already established.


Maybe there is something you were doing that you shouldn’t, or something you weren’t doing that you should? If that’s the case then it’s time to change something! Always for the better.


C Clarity about your goals, clarity about the tasks required.
H Haste – make haste with these changes. Don’t delay –get moving now
A Accept that it’s up to you.
N No negative people. Avoid them.
G Growth in sales – this is the focus.
E Energy – bring a new level of energy to each day.


Weekly Tips will continue on a weekly basis to subscribers who request the service. To unsubscribe simply reply requesting to be taken off our list. Feel free to copy or forward this tip to anyone you feel may be interested. A monthly generic newsletter will soon be available from our web site on a small fee basis. Details soon.


Quote for the week:

"…and our generation …to figure out where freedom stops being a blessing and starts being a curse" Greg Iles in "Turning Angel"


Well %FIELD:1% have an awesome week....Have fun and make money

P.S. Registrations are now being taken for my first 3 Day Real Estate Performance Academy courses for 2007 and places are filling already.

Christchurch March 5-6-7 Auckland March 12-13-14 & Rotorua March 20-21-22

Look out for the Special offer which will be in your e-mail the next day or so or download a Registration form from


Posted: Sunday 22 April 2018